Interactive Skill Tree - Created with D3js.
Data analyst with a system administrator background including network infrastructure and Georgia Tech’s data analytics and visualization bootcamp. Skilled in VBA, Python, Pandas, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, and many JS frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery. Insatiable intellectual curiosity and drive to troubleshoot problems and inconsistencies within data and interfaces. Enjoys leveraging background and skill set to support detailed and efficient analysis. Recently completed a project in a team of three using OpenAI’s GPT-2, Python, JavaScript, Flask, and Google Collab to create a chat application with the ability to train chat functionality. Strengths including analytical problem-solving abilities combined with collaborating across diverse groups, makes me a valuable addition to any team.
Geo-Mapping with Leaflet.js
D3js Interactive Scatterplot
Dashboard/Weather Visualization
Javascript Example
Flask and SQL Alchemy Example
Matplotlib Example (GitHub Repo Only)
Here is another D3js example with an extra element of fun! We'll take a step back to the early 90's Microsoft Entertainment Pack. I know Minesweeper was a hit that helped a generation learn to use a computer mouse! I even know people that still play FreeCell with their morning coffee. SkiFree was always a good time killer, too. But my 90's time wasting addiction was always JezzBall and similar spin-offs. Here is a D3js rendition. It is setup similar to the original game starting with two "atoms" bouncing about a room. Point at a position within the room and click the mouse to start building either vertical or horizontal lines, or "walls".